This mode allows you to monitor the location and movement of fish relative to the seabed in 3D, which makes fish detection and net casting operation more efficient.
■ Forward detection history mode
The forward detection history mode scans the forward area of own ship, and shows sonar echoes in 3D format. This mode is useful for estimating the profile of the sea bed.
■ Tilt cross-section mode*

The tilt cross-section mode scans the tilt angle within the selected width, and shows the underwater Sonar echoes in the scanning area in 3D format. This mode useful for seeing the shape of the fishing net in the water.
■ Sweep cross-section mode*
The sweep cross-section mode rotates the detection beam in a sweep (revolution) direction with the tilt angle fixed to "90 degrees", and shows the underwater Sonar echoes around own ship in 3D format. This mode is useful for finding the position of a school of fish.
Other functions available with the 3D mode
Density calculation function
The function displays a virtual "basket" measuring the approximate volume of fish in the selected area. The amount of fish expected in the measurement zone is displayed in the "density information window". Knowing in real time the fish volume in the target area allows the fisherman to determine the best time to start fishing operation.
Cross-sectionnal slice function
The cross-sectional function allows you to see echoes of the cross-section of a 3D model sliced in a vertical and horizontal plane.